Bluebeam Revu (ENG)
The objective of the Bluebeam Revu course is to provide a general overview of Revu for reading, editing and using PDF documents.
The course illustrates the opportunities offered by the Bluebeam Revu software for PDF management with particular attention to documents concerning the AEC sector. The program is divided into four lessons, investigating the different ways of processing PDFs, such as: the creation of custom annotations and stamps, the use of Bluebeam Studio and Project for sharing and marking documents online between multiple users simultaneously, and finally the use of the main workflows for the measurement and quantity take-off.
The course price is intended as VAT excluded.
Lingua del software
Knowledge of Windows/iOS operating system.
- Overview
- Setup of Revu
- Interface & Navigation
- Documents Interaction
- Markup Tools
- Flattening
- Stamps
- Tool Chest
- Markups List
- Modify PDFs
- Sharing PDFs
- Bluebeam Studio
- Studio Session
- Studio Projects
- Measurement Tools
- Counting
- Dynamic Fill
- Personalized Columns
- Quantity Link
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